Programming Drones Incursion

Our programmable drone incursions are perfect for beginners. Students easily learn to program multiple Drones to fly in a swarm, and develop amazing AI functions. Programming has never been this fun!
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The Drone Incursion Curriculum

Students learn to code a swarm of drones, have them fly over mission pads, and perform flips and other acrobatic movements. Students have fun, learn programming skills and develop trust in their individual creativity.

Block Programming

Students are introduced to coding using block programming. As block programming does not require students to have programming knowledge it's perfect for beginners.

Real-world Coding

Students advance and learn the core concepts of coding by writing real code using the free and open source Swift programming language. Drones are programmed to takeoff, land, move and perform aerobatic manoeuvres.

AI Development

Students learn to access the drones video stream data, exploring object recognition, tracking, 3D reconstruction through programming, computer vision, and deep learning technologies

Drone Swarms

Control a swarm of Tello EDUs to fly over Mission Pads, and perform flips and other acrobatic movements.

Everything's Included

Everything's Included Our sessions come with programmable drones, spare batteries for longer flight time, preloaded smart phones, safety goggles, and teachers’ notes.

UAVs Change Everything

Drones are revolutionising agriculture, construction, real estate, media, and delivery. They enable natural resource missions, minimisng on-the-job risk and hazards while maximizing safety and efficiency.
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We Teach Core Coding Concepts

The Coding Drones Incursion teaches the following core coding concepts, and more: Commands, Functions, Parameters, Loops, Conditional statements, Variables, Operators, Types, and Initialization.
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The Drone Incursion

Students learn to code a swarm of drones, have them fly over mission pads, and perform flips and other acrobatic movements. Students have fun, learn programming skills and develop trust in their individual creativity.
  • Coding

    • Fundamentals of coding
    • Perfect for beginners
    • Powerful and intuitive programming language
  • Drones

    • Learn to code using real-world drones
    • Handmade templates
    • Fully responsive
  • Hands-on Learning

    • Playful learning
    • Incredibly popular sessions
    • Real-life problem solving

Work With Us

Request a detailed incursion pack and discover how our framework supports every learner in your classroom to learn and experiment with code.
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