We Make STEAM Educational Tools

We make practical STEAM education solutions for teachers and students in design & technology, drones, robotics, coding, problem solving and creativity.
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STEAM Subjects Are Utterly Vital

STEAM subjects are utterly vital to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century. Students entering schools in 2020 will face future challenges that can’t even be predicted today.
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    More jobs related to STEAM have emerged since 1990 and this is expected to grow.
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    Of Australian teachers say administrative demands are a hindrance to their core job.
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    Of young Australians say that learning about science and technology is exciting.

We Set Out To Build A Solution

Our focus is to equip students with 21st-century skills and knowledge while freeing teachers to have interactions with students, in particular, those who need more support.
  • Coding

    Learn how to code original creations, students on on the way to become keen, competent programmers.
  • Drones

    Students easily learn programming multiple Drones to fly in a swarm and develop amazing AI functions.
  • Robotics

    We enable students to build, program and test their solutions based on real-life robotics technology.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality

    Using AR and VR in the classroom to create engaging learning experiences.
  • Game-based Learning

    Game-based activities are highly engaging and motivating for students and, when embedded within the curriculum, can be a highly effective way for students to learn.
  • Climate Technology

    The change in climate with time due to natural variability or human activity (IPCC)
  • Apps and Games

    We make it easy for teachers to teach games and app development in class.
  • Web Technologies

    Helping kids be creative, safe, and confident explorers of the online world. And introduce them to blockchain technologies and decentralised worlds.
  • Digital Safety and Citizenship

    Teaching kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.
  • The Creative Economy

    The Orange economy, or the creative economy, refers to everything that is developed through people’s creativity and inspiration. Coined by British writer John Howkins, a speaker on Creative Industries, the creative economy has been shown will be the dominant economic form for the 21st century with ideas, creativity, imagination and innovation experiencing exponential growth.

    According to research around one-third of Australian 15 year-olds are not proficient in problem solving, financial literacy or digital literacy (De Bortoli, Lisa and Macaskill, Greg, “Thinking it through: Australian students’ skills in creative problem solving).
  • Enterprising Skills

    The jobs of the future, or those jobs that are least likely to be automated, demand enterprise skills. Enterprise skills are transferable skills that enable young people to engage with a complex world and navigate the challenges they will inherit.

Among Australia’s 15 Year-Olds

In recent international testing by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) conducted by tested for some enterprise skills including problem solving, digital literacy and financial literacy.
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    1 in 3 Australian 15 year-olds (35%) demonstrated low proficiency in problem solving.
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    Around 1 in 4 Australian 15 year olds (27%) demonstrated low proficiency in digital literacy.
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    Approximately 3 in 10 Australian 15 year-olds (29%) demonstrated low proficiency in financial literacy.

Adaptive STEAM Education Tools

Our classroom STEAM tools are hands-on, discovery-based, and aligned to the Australian Curriculum. Our classroom technology is adaptive by design, and develops practical skills, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking. It provides teachers with feedback on what students are learning, and makes collaborative work possible.
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There is an impressive body of evidence to show that girls’ attitudes towards STEM-related careers are formed while they are still in primary school. A 2019 study by Cherniak, Lee, Cho & Jung showed that the attitudes of girls to STEM changed when they were introduced to STEM subjects at a young age. Girls who were given exciting science and technology projects in primary school were significantly more likely to respond positively to statements like, “I want to be an engineer.”

Bright Sparks

Work With Us

We believe learning can empower students, preserve the planet, build shared prosperity and foster peace.
  • STEAM Incursions

    Drones, coding, robotics, problem solving and creativity.

  • Teacher Training

    It's impossible to keep up with technology. We can help.

  • Classroom STEAM Tools

    We make STEAM tools backed by decades of cognitive science.

You're in Good Company

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